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HR Trends 2023: Solutions for Associations & Nonprofits

In the ever-evolving world of Human Resources (HR), staying on top of the latest trends is pivotal to thriving in today’s workplace environment. Recently, OTUS Group CEO Cherry Chan had a conversation with Karen Brownrigg, our go-to HR guru, CEO, and Founder of iHR Advisory,  to shed some light on five crucial trends reshaping the HR landscape for associations and nonprofits.

Here are our 5 key takeaways: 

1. Talent Acquisition in an Employee Market

With a declining workforce participation rate and an influx of retirements, organizations are faced with a scarcity of qualified talent. Simultaneously, prospective employees are demanding higher salaries with less experience, spurred by deliberate career changes during the pandemic.  Organizations can craft mentorship initiatives and educational support systems to bridge the gap between employee qualifications and workplace requirements. 

2. Crafting Unique Compensation Programs

Karen highlighted the futility of competing solely on salary in regions like Ottawa, where government entities dominate. Associations must differentiate themselves by fostering a workplace culture that resonates with employees. Encouragingly, she suggested involving employees in defining the organizational culture using three defining words—a strategy that can aid in attracting talent aligned with the organization’s ethos.

3. Adapting to Hybrid Work Models

We delved into the nuances of hybrid work environments. Karen debunked the one-size-fits-all approach, emphasizing the need for tailored solutions. Drawing from Gallup‘s research, she suggested a flexible work structure, with employees choosing days for office collaboration, thereby enhancing trust and productivity. Getting your employees involved in the “return to the office” discussion helps everyone feel heard and that they are part of the decision-making process.  

4. Managerial Role Transformation

As workplaces evolve, managers are assuming critical roles as coaches and facilitators. Karen stressed the importance of honing conflict resolution and coaching skills. Engaging the entire team in decision-making regarding work environments fosters commitment and alignment with the organization’s objectives. 

5. Employee Engagement and Purpose Alignment

Aligning individual roles with organizational objectives emerged as a vital factor in retaining and engaging employees. Karen stressed the importance of employees feeling connected to the organization’s purpose, driving engagement and loyalty.

Karen’s insights provided a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and solutions within HR for associations and nonprofits. Her emphasis on tailored solutions, cultivating workplace culture, and managerial evolution offers a roadmap for navigating the evolving HR landscape. 

For those seeking Karen’s expertise, reach out to IHR Advisory Group via [email protected] or call 613-686-6364.

And, as always OTUS Group is here for you too. We want to support you in your journey to financial peace, if this is something you are struggling with please reach out to us here.

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